Blueprint Macros

The following macros are used to manipulate blueprint functions from C++.

Note: Param names for wrappers must be identical to the names used for the function in UE, and they should then be passed to macros with a PropertyName param as shown in AActor.cpp.

This does not apply to macros with the _CUSTOM suffix.

With those macros you have to supply both the UE property name as well as the name of your C++ param.

These _CUSTOM suffixed macros are useful when the UE property name contains spaces or other characters that aren't valid for a C++ variable.

Regular macros:

Intended for normal use by modders.


Finds non-native (meaning BP) UFunction by its full name without the type prefixed, throws if not found.


Same as above except for native, meaning non-BP UFunctions.

See: AActor::K2_DestroyActor


Used for static functions, and should be the CDO to the class that the UFunction belongs to.

See: UKismetNodeHelperLibrary::GetEnumeratorUserFriendlyName.


Copies the property of the supplied name into the already allocated params struct.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of a property that exists for this UFunction.
  • Param 2: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.


Copies the property of the supplied name into the already allocated params struct.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of a property that exists for this UFunction.
  • Param 2: A C++ compatible variable name for the property.
  • Param 3: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.


Begins the process of copying an entire struct.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of an FStructProperty that exists for this UFunction.


Begins the process of copying an entire struct.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of an FStructProperty that exists for this UFunction.
  • Param 2: A C++ compatible variable name for the property.


Copies a property from within an FStructProperty into the already allocated params struct.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of the FStructProperty supplied to UE_COPY_STRUCT_PROPERTY_BEGIN.
  • Param 2: The name, without quotes, of a property that exists in the supplied FStructProperty.
  • Param 3: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.
  • Param 4: The name of the C++ variable that you're copying.

See: AActor::K2_SetActorRotation


  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of the FStructProperty supplied to UE_COPY_STRUCT_PROPERTY_BEGIN.
  • Param 2: The name, without quotes, of a property that exists in the supplied FStructProperty.
  • Param 3: A C++ compatible variable name for the property.
  • Param 4: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.
  • Param 5: The name of the C++ variable that you're copying.


Copies the out property of the supplied name from the params struct into the supplied C++ variable.

This means the wrapper param (which is named the same as the property supplied) must be a reference, meaning suffixed with a "&".

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of a property that exists for this UFunction.
  • Param 2: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.

See: UGameplayStatics::FindNearestActor


Copies the out property of the supplied name from the params struct into the supplied C++ variable.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of a property that exists for this UFunction.
  • Param 2: A C++ compatible variable name for the property.
  • Param 3: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.

This means the wrapper param (which is named the same as the property supplied) must be a reference, meaning suffixed with a "&".


Helper for copying an FVector. Must use UE_COPY_STRUCT_PROPERTY_BEGIN first.

  • Param 1: The C++ name, without quotes, of the FVector to copy from.
  • Param 2: The name, without quotes, of the FVector, same as supplied to UE_COPY_STRUCT_PROPERTY_BEGIN.


Helper for copying a TArray.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, of an FArrayProperty that exists for this UFunction.
  • Param 2: The C++ type, without quotes, that the TArray holds. For example, without quotes, "float", for FFloatProperty.
  • Param 3: The C++ that the contents of the TArray will be copied into.


Performs a non-static function call. All non-out params must be copied ahead of this.


Performs a static function call, using the CDO provided by UE_SET_STATIC_SELF as the static instance. All non-out params must be copied ahead of this.


Copies the underlying value that the UFunction returned and returns it.

  • Param 1: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.


  • Param 1: The type that you want the underlying value to be copied as. For example, without quotes, "float" for FFloatProperty.
  • Param 2: The name, without quotes, for the property of this function where the return value will be copied from.


Helper for returning an FVector.


Helper for returning an FStrProperty. Converts to StringType.


Helper for returning an FStrProperty. Converts to StringType.

  • Param 1: The name, without quotes, for the FStrProperty of this function where the return value will be copied from.


Used for templated C++ types passed to macros, like TArray or TMap.

For example, pass, without quotes, WITH_OUTER(TMap, FName, int) instead of TMap<FName, int> to all macros.

Internal macros

These are only used by other macros, or by users of our C++ API if they properly understand the internals of the macros, and this requires preexisting knowledge around how UFunctions work, and you'll likely have to BPMacros.hpp to understand how to use them properly.


Throws if the UFunction doesn't exist, and allocates enough space (on the stack when possible, otherwise the heap) for the params and return value(s).


Finds the property, and throws if not found.


Finds the property with the supplied name, and throws if not found.


Finds the property to be used for the return value, throws if not found.