
The CustomPropertyInfo table contains information about a custom property.

You must supply data yourself when using this table.


KeyValue TypeSub TypeInformation
NamestringName to use with the __index metamethod
BelongsToClassstringFull class name without type, that this property belongs to
OffsetInternalinteger or tableOffsetInternalInfoSub Type only valid if Type is table
ArrayPropertytableArrayPropertyInfoOnly use when 'Type' is PropertyTypes.ArrayProperty

Simple Example

Creates a custom property with the name MySimpleCustomProperty that accesses whatever data is at offset 0xF40 in any instance of class Character as if it was an IntProperty.

local CustomPropertyInfo = {
    ["Name"] = "MySimpleCustomProperty",
    ["Type"] = PropertyTypes.IntProperty,
    ["BelongsToClass"] = "/Script/Engine.Character"
    ["OffsetInternal"] = 0xF40

Advanced Example

Creates a custom property with the name MyAdvancedCustomProperty that accesses whatever data is at offset 0xF48 in any instance of class Character as if it was an ArrayProperty with an inner type of IntProperty.

local CustomPropertyInfo = {
    ["Name"] = "MyAdvancedCustomProperty",
    ["Type"] = PropertyTypes.ArrayProperty,
    ["BelongsToClass"] = "/Script/Engine.Character"
    ["OffsetInternal"] = 0xF48,
    ["ArrayProperty"] = {
        ["Type"] = PropertyTypes.IntProperty