
The RegisterConsoleCommandGlobalHandler function executes the provided Lua function whenever the supplied custom command is entered into the UE console.

Unlike RegisterConsoleCommandHandler, this global variant runs the callback for all contexts.


1stringThe name of the custom command
2functionThe callback to execute when the custom command is entered into the UE console

Callback Parameters

1stringThe name of the custom command
2tableTable containing all parameters
3FOutputDeviceThe output device to write to

Callback Return Value

1boolWhether to prevent other handlers from handling this command


RegisterConsoleCommandGlobalHandler("CommandExample", function(FullCommand, Parameters, OutputDevice)
    print("Custom command callback for 'CommandExample' command executed.\n")
    print(string.format("Full command: %s\n", FullCommand))
    print(string.format("Number of parameters: %i\n", #Parameters))
    for ParameterNumber, Parameter in pairs(Parameters) do
        print(string.format("Parameter #%i -> '%s'\n", ParameterNumber, Parameter))

    return true

-- Entered into console: CommandExample 1 2 3
-- Output
Custom command callback for 'CommandExample' command executed.
Full command: CommandExample 1 2 3
Number of parameters: 3
Parameter #1 -> '1'
Parameter #2 -> '2'
Parameter #3 -> '3'
Parameter #0 -> 'CommandExample'