
The Mod class is responsible for interacting with the local mod object.




SetSharedVariable(string VariableName, any Value)

  • Sets a variable that can be accessed by any mod.
  • The second parameter Value can only be one of the following types: nil, string, number, bool, UObject (+derivatives), lightuserdata.

Warning: These variables do not get reset when hot-reloading.


-- When sharing a UObject, make absolutely sure that it's a UObject that doesn't cease to exist before it's used again.
-- It's a very bad idea to share transient objects like actors as they might die and stop existing.
local StaticObject = StaticFindObject("/Script/Engine.Default__GameplayStatics")

-- The 'ModRef' variable is a global variable that's automatically created and is the instance of the current mod.
ModRef:SetSharedVariable("MyVariable", StaticObject)

GetSharedVariable(string VariableName)

  • Return type: any
  • Returns: a variable that could've been set from another mod.
  • The return value can only be one of the following types: nil, string, number, bool, UObject(+derivatives), lightuserdata.


-- Assuming that the example script for 'SetSharedVariable' has been executed.
local SharedObject = ModRef:GetSharedVariable("MyVariable")

-- 'GetSharedVariable' may return anything that its able to store.
-- Any mod is able to override the value for any shared variable.
if SharedObject and type(SharedObject) == "userdata" and SharedObject:type() == "UObject" and SharedObject:IsValid() then
    print(string.format("SharedObject '%s' is valid.\n", SharedObject:GetFullName()))
    print("SharedObject was nil, not userdata, not a UObject, or an invalid UObject")


  • Return type: string
  • Returns: "ModRef"